Thursday, March 13, 2014

Wrapping The Project Up

February 2014 Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month

We held a journal drive at the Winneconne High School.  Teachers donated $5 to wear jeans all week to school and students could donate to win a "safe date".  Four students won dinner and a movie and the PRO Team (Peers Reaching Out) raised enough money to purchase 120 journals.

Our total journal count to date is now at 678.  The teen advocates at Christine Ann Domestic Abuse Services, Inc. will be very pleased.

Thanks to all who participated.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

February 2014 Awareness Month

February 2014 - Awareness Month

The Display Case at Winneconne High School

Display Case at Winneconne High School

Here are photographs of seven young women who have one thing in common; a very unfortunate thing in common.... they were all killed by their abusive boyfriends.  Learn the signs, recognize, report, help, reach out, do whatever you have to do.... before it's too late.

 Why journals help victims of teen dating violence.  Writing your feelings out is a great way to work towards healing.

 Banner provided by Write to Recover, a campaign.
Warning signs of abusive relationships.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

FEBRUARY ~ Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month

Write to Recover will be busy getting ready for February, 2014 teen dating violence awareness and prevention month.  The girls will be designing a display case outside the counseling offices at the high school.  There will be signs up around the school to bring awareness to the problem and inform students where to go if they need help.  Also, the two large banners that were donated last month will be hung up at the school.

Show your support for the ending of dating violence by wearing orange on Orange-Out Day, February 11th.  Teachers in the Winneconne Community School District can make a small donation to the cause which will allow them to wear jeans to work on Feb. 11th.

Feb. 14th is National Respect Day:  show your support by having a discussion with your child about safe dating, healthy relationships, and where to go for help if your student needs it.

A guest speaker from Christine Ann Domestic Abuse Services, Inc. will be at the high school on Feb. 20 and 25 educating freshmen on safe dating.

A journal drive will be held at the high school.  Journals are an excellent tool to use to help victims recover from abuse.  Writing out your emotions acts as a catharsis resulting in improvements in both physical and psychological health.

Students donating a simple journal or cash donation will be entered to win a safe date.  We are hoping local businesses will donate to our cause so we can provide 3 "safe dates" through our raffle.